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Improving your English

Improving your English is a great start to get through daily life in Tasmania as well to connect and make new friends.

Courses are available in the cities of Hobart and Launceston, and you can choose to study to improve your English skills for further education, for an English test preparation, and for business or pleasure.

Here are some tips to learn English:

  • Find an English version of a book that you already know and try and read it out loud.
  • Practice with your friends and challenge yourself to one hour in English before switching back to your preferred language.
  • Watch your favourite TV series in English or with English subtitles.
  • Listen to English music or podcasts on your favourite topics.
  • Australians love to shorten words, for example, afternoon= arvo, conversation= convo. So, watch out for these.

Australian culture

Australia is a very multicultural country and has a culture of mateship, modesty, optimism and Australians are generally relaxed and use humour to connect.

Some tips to understand Australian cultural nuances

  • Australians love greeting others, even strangers. Next time you are walking down the street, greet or simply smile and nod at the person walking your way.
  • Listen out for any expressions that you can’t understand. You can ask the person who said it or check with a local friend as to what it means.
  • Join a sports team - this is always a great place to meet friends and see ‘mateship’ in a team environment.
  • Actively network with local students. Try and be a part of study groups with local students where possible. This way, you can learn more about the local community, Australian culture and improve your English.

Indigenous culture

It is important to note that Australia is a country whose traditional owners are the indigenous people. The palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) people are the traditional owners of lutruwita (aboriginal name for Tasmania). It is important to acknowledge and respect aboriginal history, culture and elders. For more information on where you can learn about Tasmanian Aboriginal Culture, visit

Making friends

The great thing about studying abroad is the friendships you make for life. You can make friends with people from all over the world to share the experiences, food and culture. You can also make friends with local Tasmanians, who are excited and intrigued to get to know you and your story better.

Here’s how you can go about making new connections in Tasmania.

  • Get active and take part in sports groups. If your institution does not have them, or if you are just a casual player, you can find several local sports groups that play for recreation.
  • If sports is not your thing, then explore some social groups and activity groups at your institution. There are also associations for various communities from around the world in Tasmania, and they are just a Facebook search away.
  • Find local events in your area through the local councils. There are several free events organised by local councils, and ones where you can also get a student discount. This is a great way to meet new people from your community.

Connecting with community

A huge part of feeling less home sick is to feel a sense of community and belonging. That’s why we encourage you to connect with as many different communities as you can while you are studying.

Ideas where you can connect with communities

  • Local council events.
  • Volunteering.
  • There are many cultural groups that celebrate events and festivals, so keep an eye out on social media for groups or events.
  • Migrant resource centre.
  • Multicultural Council of Tasmania.

Things to note

Public holidays and daylight saving

Daylight saving

In Tasmania and few other states in Australia, daylight saving time begins on the first Sunday of October and ends on the first Sunday of April each year. During daylight saving, there will be more light in the evening – which is arguably one of the best perks of an Aussie summer.

While most smartphones will automatically adjust the time, it’s important to remember to manually change the time on your watches and clocks on the day daylight saving begins and ends.

When you attend virtual events or meetings, make sure you check the time zone, as some states like Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia don’t take part in daylight saving.

Public holidays

Tasmania also has many public holidays throughout the year to celebrate days of national or religious importance and local events. When some holidays like Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Australia Day fall on a weekend, the holiday is observed on the following Monday or Tuesday.

For a list of all public and regional holidays in Tasmania, visit